Join us for a Glorious Season at Maxwell Mansion

This winter, tour our Victorian mansion and experience daily life in the nineteenth century.  We welcome you to join us for numerous events and activities!

The MAGNIFICENT MAXWELL AFFAIR RETURNS! February 15, 2025, 7:30-10:30 p.m., Chestnut Hill location. “An Evening in Scarlet!” Everyone wear red!  Brush off your formal clothes and get ready to celebrate with other lovers of this Victorian house. Event will be held “off campus.” Reservations Required,


Expanded tour hours now in place! Maxwell Mansion offers tours Thursday, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays at noon, 1 p.m., and 2 p.m. For times and reservations click here.

Opera on Tap at Maxwell Mansion Saturday February 1, 3 p.m. Join us for an afternoon of marvelous vocal music celebrating French nineteenth-century music, accompanied by our authentic Stieff piano. Tickets on sale now. 

Deep Rivers: How African Americans Waded Through the Waters of Oppression to Achieve Greatness in the Nineteenth Century, Saturday February 8, 3 p.m. Reservations Required.

Victorian Plant Sale, Saturday, May 3, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Horticulturalist Scott Travaline has propagated the perfect additions to your garden. Join us to shop and tour!


Step into the World of

Nineteenth-Century Philadelphia

The Victorian era was a time of massive societal transformations, complex ideas, and bold decorative choices, and visitors to Ebenezer Maxwell Mansion explore them. In addition to house tours, you can enjoy live Victorian Theatre and participate in unique programs and workshops. Stroll our gardens for a unique glimpse into our past. Our mission is to showcase Victorian-era Philadelphia through the architecture, grounds/gardens, and collections; and to educate, entertain, and inspire the public through onsite educational programming, tours, theatre productions, and lectures. Plan to visit the museum soon!


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